Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Weeds From The Garden?

The sea-garden, that is. Less obviously beautiful "beauties."

And here are some other weeds: shots flawed by fog or water drops on the lens.

Above: I like how you can see the flow working around and between these rocks.

That wave is coming. Don't you feel all slanty, all off-kilter here?

Harbor seals! Good chop in that channel too. Was the tide dropping or rising?

A calmer shot: not very dramatic, but a lovely place to kayak. The underwater shots of sea urchins and anemones and the "weeds" above came from this pocket of water.

Just launch your kayak from the protected center of Van Damme State Beach, Mendocino County, and hang a right at the first point. Or, launch and head to the right well before the point for the sea cave that will take you under that first point. Keep heading north, but exercise caution according to swell and tide. Have fun.