Monday, May 28, 2012

Wave-Back Again

Here's an old photo--January 2011--with one of my favorite views: the back of a wave.

There's something about this angle, this perspective, that puts me out in the water again.  If I click on the shot and consider the larger version of the photo, I can really feel the energy that's just passed through and by me out there at Lover's Point, Pacific Grove, CA.

I cropped some of the sky out of the shot, hoping to put greater emphasis onto the wave itself.  Now, I'm not sure if that editorial move really worked.  Here's the original version of the photo:

And, then here's the rest of the wave-sequence as it follows through . . . .

Great day for free diving: not so much for checking out the fish and crustaceans, certainly, but for feeling the grip and flow of such wave energy.