Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Book Jacket Fantasy

Oskar Kokoschka's The Crab (1939-40)

The best cover for yet another one of those books I haven't written yet?

Now, it's not quite the best choice for what-will-be Kraken House or The Armour of Your Virtue or even Feet of Clay, but it could work for Isla Verde or possibly Cargo From Cumae. Titles are easy, projecting is so easy, but the discipline to write instead of swim, kayak, dive, sculpt, read, read, read, drink some coffee (or rum), think about teaching, or--hey--work is what's actually so hard. In other words, don't hold your breath waiting for any of those projects to appear in book-form. I'm behind on the swimming and the prepping for class, as it is.

Still, if you've looked into this blog at all, you can see the art's fitness here. I like that swimmer (struggling with the currents or simply stroking along?) just beyond the giant crab's rather sharky head. Is that swimmer aware of the crab? Is that crab aware of the swimmer? No matter what, the arms have to keep cycling, the legs pumping: swim, swim, swim!

What about the fishing boat in the distance? Or, are those smugglers, rather, making for a handier cove? What do you think?

Sometimes, I'm that swimmer out in those currents.

Other times, I'm that crab.

Aren't we all?