I like how dry the beach looks, though it isn't. I'm struck by the integrity (for that's the word, I feel) of those rocks and thick grains of sand, as the foam arrives. Look at the push and heft of that foam, the lip flying, the snake-shapes lunging, the body flowing and folding forward. Or, that's how I see the scene caught in this shot: authority exerting itself.
I probably held off posting this picture because of the room for the ridiculous as that foam shoots from the eyeholes, and yet there's a haunting quality here too, isn't there?
Humor? Or, horror?
How afraid of drowning, of such whelming foam, are you?
Van Damme State Beach, just south of Mendocino: way back in November 2009.
(Actually, I think I have posted this shot before. I'll have to recheck the blog. But even so, this entry--how shall I say this--still counts.)