Saturday, August 3, 2019


 I have been paddling out of Van Damme State Beach for years, but I tend to head north for the sea-caves I know.  Frankly, I'm feeling a bit silly for not pushing just a little more south even when conditions call for more caution.  Some of the sea-caves and arches I paddled through yesterday are just one bit further from a very cautious paddle, meaning right next-door.  I've swam within 100 yards of a very cool arch withot realizing just how close I've come in the past.

These last few years I've been paddling south with my fishing pal JP, but we haven't really had reason to check out Buckhorn Cove and points south.  Despite the heavy fog, we fished and paddled further and further south until we passed the point and worked our way back.  I was so overjoyed to discover arches and sea-caves that I hadn't visited in decades--or perhaps never at all--so the day was especially special.  Most times, the paddle back against the wind argues for not going too far south.  I now know the counter-argument for going south!