Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Logbook: Helping

June 6:  Today a woman about my own age or a little younger approached me in the grocery store, asked me to help her with a high shelf an aisle or so away, and then directed me to which items she wanted. She was rather short, as she pointed out, I am tall, and the shelf was high.

I am often approached for help in many situations, but I was wearing very ragged, dirty jeans and a rather ragged, dirty t-shirt, carrying a six-pack of Negra Modelo and a box of Instant Oatmeal, and hadn't shaved in a couple of days, so she probably didn't mistake me for an employee, but she wanted help and asked. Power to her.

I was happy to help.

(I don't think she was hitting on me, by the way.)

P. S.
I should add that when she first approached me I was reaching for a giant stuffed octopus above the freezers, so there was at least one clue I might be harmless.