Saturday, April 14, 2012

"Et Tu, Brute"

Julius Caesar: sculpture mix, pit-fired. 1999? 2000?

This may be the ugliest piece of claywork I've produced, and it is the second (of seven or eight) full-sized heads I've made, the first without teacherly supervision, and you can see the rookie mistakes in the flatness of the face, the buggy eyes, and so forth.

The great thing about pit-firing, especially for a beginner like me at the time, is that you just don't know how the piece will turn out, which colors and where. I had hoped for a more thorough blackening effect, but what I got was post-assassination theatrics.

I like to bring this head into the classroom while teaching Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, just as a reminder in Acts 4 and 5 . . . .

Hail, Caesar!