Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fool's Luck

I can be an awfully clumsy man at times, and in this case, I was stretching the injured muscles in my neck and shoulder by swinging my right arm about. I wasn't really thinking about which room I was in or what was hanging on the walls; I was focused on the pain and the painful relief that arm-swinging was providing. Twisting, pulling, stretching, swinging . . . .


"Mermaid's Misfortune" or "Lucky Break" are two alternative captions I considered.

The mermaid had a tail, though with this break her net is more visible, more to the fore. So, there's the luck, for me at least. Her spirit still seems strong.

I regret breaking this piece, the clumsiness and folly involved, as I should. At least it's only clay.

Huntress with Net: sculpture mix; nutmeg, sea foam, & transparent brown glazes; copper wire.