Friday, September 18, 2009

Annotations: Robert Daley's TREASURE

Daley, Robert. Treasure. New York: Random, 1977.

If you have any interest in treasure-hunting and lost Spanish galleons, this gripping tale of Mel Fisher's long, often quixotic quest to find the Atocha and all the gold and silver that sailed inside her is the book for you. Mel Fisher's offbeat can-do attitude ranges from being inspiring to being terrifying; he puts himself and family members at great risk, financially and physically. The chapter detailing the unfortunate and accidental, though possibly preventable deaths of his eldest son, daughter-in-law, and crew members is very moving. I have read and reread this book for sheer engagement ("enjoyment" doesn't seem the right word) many times.

There are other versions of this story out there. I've looked at them, but Daley's narrative is the one for me.