Saturday, February 6, 2021

Reflection: Reading & Writing

One of my joys as a boy was reading the practical and humorous columns in magazines.  In Field & Stream, I read Ed Zern's humorous end-column first, then the editor's hello in the front, and then the features.  Likewise with my grandparents' horse-magazines and Reader's Digest, with my family's National Geographic and Sports Illustrated. I think my ability to write essays quite young, to have a sense of voice and paragraphing, came from this particular reading.  Or peculiar, to some.  Who reads the Editor's column in a surf magazine?  I always have.  Even as a boy, perhaps especially as a boy, I liked how those columns spoke directly to me, quite literally, using "I" and "you."  Sometimes, when I am between books or just fatigued from teaching duties, I pick up my Best of Surfer Magazine collection or this slim volume of columns from a sailing magazine.  Short, direct, humorous pieces are my favorites.  A knowing, yet kind voice.  And, as in those Ed Zern end-of-the-magazine pieces, Sam Llewellyn provides a recurring cast of characters, and that's a joy of its own too.