The Other Worlds is an excellent mythopoeic novel by a dear friend, Christoph Greger. Christoph's own humble way of introducing the book to the world is worth quoting: "Hey all you cystic fibrosis lit fans, Ren fair geeks, and/or mythopoeic/modernist bildungsroman junkies -- here's something that might be of interest."
This fine novel deserves deep interest, presenting classic character-in-crisis; entertaining and evoking in the tradition of Yeats, Morris, Dunsany, de Lint, and Windling; and offering entry into multiple worlds, this one we share and those others 'beyond the fields we know'. The setting and the style are distinctly contemporary; the themes and dilemmas, definitely timeless. Life's largest riddle--mortality--met by mystery, measured by memory, and beset--or aided?--by magic waits at the heart of
The Other Worlds.
Read this book.