Art, Book reviews, Ceramics, Photographs, Postcards, Quick Fiction, Quotations, and (Usually Aquatic) Reflections.
(P.S. This blog looks better in the web version.)
Friday, December 18, 2015
Take Note (Take Two)
We are the grit
That mars the paint
Or makes the pearl.
"Fiery dust,"
Lord Byron wrote,
Illustrious, notorious,
Untrammeled by our common clay,
And utterly undismayed.
Be equally furious,
Be equally industrious:
Take full note -- And write.
My favorite word--garsecg--from the Old English Beowulf is a kenning or poetic riddle-word for the sea. It means "the spear-man," perhaps the echo of a figure like the Norse Aegir or some other surly northern Neptune. In other texts, garsecg seems to be an adjective meaning "sea-like," "stormy" or "tempestuous."