Art, Book reviews, Ceramics, Photographs, Postcards, Quick Fiction, Quotations, and (Usually Aquatic) Reflections.
(P.S. This blog looks better in the web version.)
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Motley: Companion
Motley: 19+ years-of-age; 7 lbs. (down from 14 at her prime); sore and sleepy.
Still a beautiful bundle of love. Demanding, yes, but she's earned it.
My favorite word--garsecg--from the Old English Beowulf is a kenning or poetic riddle-word for the sea. It means "the spear-man," perhaps the echo of a figure like the Norse Aegir or some other surly northern Neptune. In other texts, garsecg seems to be an adjective meaning "sea-like," "stormy" or "tempestuous."