Thursday, September 28, 2023

Wednesday, September 20, 2023



I made the bowl, but Strawberry Creek is doing most of the work here.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Happy Birthday, Dad


A portrait of my father as a young man.

Early 30s?

Richmond PD. At work.

This is the dad who amazed me, mere child, by diving off rocks and swimming rivers.

Who knew parents could do such things, for "ancient" they must be, yes?

He would have been 90 this year.

He died back in 2004.

RIP, indeed.

Hey Dad,

There are frontage roads I would like to show you and some questions I would like to ask, now that I am old enough to understand a few things.

I should have talked to you more, should have hazarded asking for guidance here and there.  

I had thought sheer independence was the model I was being given, but now I think there was more being offered. Now I know I could have taken the best of your experience and advice and let the rest go.  Now I know more, excellence and frailty, fallibility and generosity, all mixed. 

I think of you every day.

Rain or shine.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Friday, September 15, 2023

My Lady of the Bowls


Or, Cat with Cowrie Shells

Thursday, September 7, 2023