Monday, July 29, 2019

As Audience, As Witness

As I was getting coffee at the cafe this morning, I had a gentleman walk up to me and ask about the Bamboo Reef t-shirt I was wearing.  He wanted to know if the business were still in operation, and I named Monterey and SF as ongoing locations.  He then told me his father had been one of Bamboo Reef's three founders--with Al Giddings and Leroy French -- back in 1961.  We chatted briefly, me asking about his father's name (which I now can't recall, grrr), and then he moved on.

I'm guessing he wasn't a diver like his father, or at least not a local diver, or he would have known . . . but we didn't talk about any of that.

I like how the man wanted to connect with something his father had helped make -- and to say it out loud -- and I, random fellow that I am, was able to participate as audience, as witness.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Shore Lines

Mendocino paddling.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Wall Art

Yesterday was a good day on the water and under the water.

Heading Out

Mendocine paddling.


As I swam closer, the displacement of water -- or my shadow -- must have sent the hermit crab into escape-mode.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Saturday, July 13, 2019