Friday, July 31, 2015

Beach Salad

Beach salad.
(See Sappho on "beach rubble" via Mary Barnard.)

This fish . . . .
Garnish for gulls.

Someone else's tower.
Rock on.

Fisherman setting forth.

My clayfellow Aegir . . . .



Arch Rock: A Series

I just kept watching the flow of water. Other times, I've paddled through the arch, but the tide was too high and there was too much energy from the southwest swell to chance that this time. I'm a cautious paddler.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Honu, Resting

This sea turtle was tucked away only a dozen feet away from the "Two Step" entry for diving Kealakekua Bay, seemingly not bothered by the dozens of clumsy humans passing by for deeper waters and for the "turtle grounds".  I clicked these shots as I swam slowly by and kept on swimming, not wanting to be the one to bother this creature and not wanting to call too much attention to the resting turtle.

I did point one swimmer/nonswimmer toward the turtle; that person was not happy with the wetness of the water, and I thought seeing such a glorious creature in its own environment would help in some way.  That person looked, looked twice, and then swam away as well.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Free Diving: Current Favorite Shots

I'm watching the fish in the "tank" there from deeper underwater.

Love the colors and textures.

I like the contours and colors and textures and Mr. Y. Tang here.

I love curving planes of water, and that's a sea turtle breathing there.

Trumpetfish watching me watch him; I love the curves and textures.  
Doesn't he look a bit like a horse here?